How to Keep People Motivated and Implement these Ideas in a Large Newsroom

No matter what size the team is, motivation to actually start thinking about these processes is really hard to start as a movement. One way of getting people motivated is to show them other people's documentation and think about all the things in your job that you repeat and do on a daily basis. If you tell people they can save time in the long run if they just spend one or two days really thinking through what documentation would be helpful for the newsroom to have, it can also be a motivation.

People like rewards and getting told they are doing good work. If you're writing good documentation and share it on Github and showcase that you're a newsroom that really cares about the future of the newsroom and how institutional knowledge will be handled, you could also be seen by other newsrooms as an example.Your guide can also be helpful when you're recruiting or talking to people about what they do on a daily basis in their job.

Additionally, if higher up editors encourage the newsroom to embrace documentation and take time out of their day (even if it's once a week or so), this can help foster the importance of documentation.

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